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青年博士论坛预告2017年11月15日(周三) 8:30-10:00

来源: bd手机版官网登录ios | 发表时间: 2017-11-13 | 浏览次数: 2408

时间:1115(周三) 8:30-10:00











苗圣法,荷兰莱顿大学高级bd手机版官网登录ios 、特温特大学行为管理和社会科学学院博后研究员,荷兰超图信息科技公司首席数据分析师。博士毕业于莱顿大学和兰州大学,获得数据挖掘专业双博士学位。硕士和本科就读于兰州大学信息科学与工程学。研究方向:数据挖掘,机器学习,大数据分析,结构质量检测,文本挖掘,风险预测。



题目:Deep learning based automatic colorization and color sketch generation


As human intelligence is capable of analyzing and understanding images, developing automatic image transform algorithms that fulfill humans' preference, such as color and style, is important in the research of computer graphics and artificial intelligence. This talk focuses on two automatic image transform tasks, one is colorization which aims to convert grayscale images to colorful ones; another one is color sketch style transfer which is to generate color sketches from natural photographs.

We formulate image colorization as a pixel-wise prediction problem utilizing deep fully convolutional neural networks. In order to maintain color consistency in homogeneous regions as well as precisely distinguishing colors near region boundaries, we propose a novel fully automatic colorization pipeline which involves a boundary-guided CRF and a CNN-based color transform as post-processing steps. We further introduce two novel automatic evaluation schemes to efficiently assess colorization quality in terms of spatial coherence and localization. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate great quality improvement in results of our proposed colorization method under multiple evaluation metrics.

For color sketch generation, we develop a fully automatic image transform system which extends the state-of-the-art real-time neural-style transfer method. Due to the potential mismatch of the overall texture statistics between input images and the style target image, it is extremely difficult to generate color sketches using existing deep neural-style transfer method. We address this problem by selecting suitable style target online from a color sketch example set which consists 10 example color sketches. Experimental results demonstrate that our system greatly reduces artifacts compared to previous state-of-the-art methods, producing vivid color sketch results.



